Short Skirt/Long Jacket - Kinetic Typography
The final video solution for Short Skirt/Long Jacket combines vibrant colors, imperfect type, and poppy illustrations to match the vibrant but edgy nature of the song. The type and illustrations were handdrawn and left rough, to give a purposely low budget look like the music video has. The colors and illustrations match the pop aspect of the song, as well as the overarching theme of strong femininity. 
The style of the video uses flat, 2D swatches of color and white outlines around the illustrations to ensure that the song is not taken too literally. This illustration style makes it seem like the song is taking place in an alternate reality, which may be the case, since the perfect woman the band is talking about most likely doesn’t exist. Overall, the video complements the fun, visual quality of the song, as well as the ironic, lighthearted theme.
* Student project, no affiliation with artist or song production

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