Orange International street fair branding
The OISF company asked the Chapman Advanced Graphic Design class to create concepts for the 2020 branding of the annual Orange International Street Fair, which occurs every Labor Day Weekend. I was the Creative Director for my team, which involved overseeing all of my team's ideation and production, and am responsible for the design of the logo and the Germany, Polynesia, and Children's Street banners. 
Our final concept was "Let's Explore," which highlights the idea of the global adventure that visitors will experience as they go from vendor to vendor.  We pushed this further visually through the use of recognizable imagery, such as the wood signage that would be found on a hiking trail and the natural landscapes from each country on our country banners. All of these elements come together to give an upscale outdoorsy camping vibe, which is engaging, family friendly, and uniquely relatable to all visitors.
Project Collaborators: Amanda White, Jaycie Frank, Derek Shafer, & Taylor Taradash
Initial Sketches

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